BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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What Would We Do Without You? ~ 2019 Joyous Rhapsody《Brilliance》

Who are these warriors who arrive first at the performance venue and are the last to leave?

You guessed it! They are our AV and Programme Team! Thanks for attending to the big picture of programme management and AV requests as well as the nitty-gritty!

Salute Sister Helen and Brother 钜荣 and their super awesome team!


We are also grateful to have our bilingually fluent emcee who connected the performances seamlessly with her lively interactions with the audience.

Who do we thank for looking fabulous on stage as we offer songs of insightful praises to the Triple Gem?


Rows of neatly arranged chairs, LED fairy lights placed on each and every seat for our audience. The venue logistics team! The muscle team led by Sister Liew Lee!感恩场地组!

We sang our hearts out but without them, we would not have the energy to do so. They recharged us with vegetarian meals that they arranged. Thank you for the power refills!


The audience would not have gotten their tickets or the volunteers, their passes if not for our Special Project Warriors! Thanks for getting all tickets to their applicants!

Who welcomes our guests to the night of 《BRILLIANCE》?

感恩吉祥星! 热情迎接到来的贵宾们! 感恩您!

Professionally designed, our tickets, posters and animated stage backdrop are great works of Brother 陆庆! Amazingly brilliant!

文化艺术处的《密勒日巴》们! 吉祥心品华乐团的勇士做师所喜也!


今天与明天就是大家在2019吉祥悦: 《智慧之光》供养三宝实践的时候了!



如师长说的用我们的 *心* 去实践,净信才会在心绪中生长的非常坚固。



IRENE 宗矜合十

A note of encouragement from our Arts and Culture Department's Director, Miss Irene Lee

Dear all,

Today and tomorrow, we will be offering the songs of praise to the Triple Gem at 2019 Joyous Rhapsody : *Brilliance* Concert.

Regardless, if you are a performer, volunteer or someone bringing your family and friends to enjoy this musical offering, we will accumulate many merits for our path to Buddhahood. It is praised and acknowledged by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and lineage masters! It brings them much joy to see our Bodhi endeavour!

There will be challenges. And often plans can not keep up with changes. However, like advised by our teacher. We can do this little by little. Step by step, purifying obscurations and accumulating merits. It is with the right mind and motivation that we commit to this auspicious offering. This will definitely be a sincere and pure dedication, increasing our faith and our belief.

We supplicate to the Triple Gem and our lineage masters for favourable conditions. May all who are involved in this offering will be blessed by the Triple Gem and may we all gain wisdom and compassion for ultimate happiness. Rejoice to everyone’s dedication and commitment.

With Metta,

Irene Lee

Arts and Culture Department


随喜所有参与文化艺术处呈献的2019吉祥悦:《智慧之光》的台前幕后义工及表演者! 感恩净远和尚引导我们做师所喜,音声供养佛菩萨三宝。让弟子们累积资粮,净罪集资。 也感恩如泉法师,本思法师,道慈法师带领弟子们前行,开示和供灯。感恩尼僧团的鼓励! 感恩佛菩萨加持,师长恩德,善知识,所有义工,所有表演者,吉祥悦统筹组所有成员,顾问 (文传百讲师),总护持 (黄文素师姐),两位副总护持 (杨佳霖老师,梁玄英师姐),秘书(李金英师姐),文化艺术处干部们,一切才能圆满承办。若有做得不理想之处请大家原谅。我们继续努力学习,努力进步!



Yours Sincerely,

Irene Lee 李宗矜合十


Kindly give us your feedback so that we can learn and improve. Thank you.
