BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival at Yogyakarta


On Monday, September 24, 2018, our class went to the monastery to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.  We wanted to get more exposure to Dharma and do more virtuous deeds through this gathering.  Besides, we have specially arranged and flew to Borobudur pilgrimage.

During the gathering, our fellow classmates shared their views having learned Lamrim. Everyone is getting clearer about the importance of Triple Gem, applied OMAK , praises others using “rejoice”. Knowing that affliction originates from greed, anger and ignorance, we should learn how to let go in this life … to improve in our infinite life.  

With the lead and guidance from our monitress, our gathering at Monastery reflected the spirit of our unity and caring.  We felt closer and warm together.

It was a great start for the day on 26 September 2018 as we were all looking forward to visit the magnificent Borobudur in Jogjakarta.

On the first night upon arriving at the hotel, our class had an unusual belated celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival.  With the moon cakes, lanterns etc., we made a little offering to the Triple Gem and had a great time of communion.

Waking up at 3am to visit Borobudur was not easy but the site when visited gave us a breath taking impact.  It’s so magnificent and the sunrise gave it a splendid view.  The story of Buddha’s journey to enlightenment carved on volcanic stones was still quite vivid. We also visited the Hindus Temple Complex and the Prambanan Temple Complex.

With chanting, animals liberation, etc.  all of us and our virtuous friends were filled with joy. Through this journey, it further enhanced the cohesiveness of the class.

Rejoice with everyone!  Thank you Shifu for giving us this opportunity to learn the Lamrim in this life and pray that nothing will stop any of us from continuing life after life of leisure and opportunity till we get enlightened.








期待已久的“日惹、婆罗浮屠、戴恩高原” 朝圣之旅终于在2018年9月26日落实了。

抵达酒店的第一个晚上,同学们带着柚子和月饼等等,挂起灯笼再次为三宝作供养。第二天我们一班同行清晨3点就得起床准备。大家带着欢喜、真诚感恩的心,前往举世闻名的佛教古迹婆罗浮屠朝圣。要爬不同梯级不容易,脚有问题的同行都做到了。我们观看了美丽的日出,呼吸新鲜的空气,感受到世界遗产的魅力。在千年佛塔下,大家绕塔诵咒等,在念诵的当儿,犹如在近距离聆听佛陀的教诲,我们的内心是无比地轻松愉悦。我们也参观了普兰巴南神庙-最大的印度寺庙群 ---度母寺。




