BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Yummy Cooking Contest

30 September 2018 - a very memorable day

Care group – the Five Pillars of Care assembled our students from all parts of Singapore, to celebrate Abbot Jing Yuan’s birthday!

At the “Yummy Cooking Contest”, there are total 16 groups contestants proudly cooked up fragrant and yummy dishes that were simply astonishing!

Together, we supplicated for the same aspiration as Abbot’s: that the sublime teachings will remain for a long time, there is world peace and that sentient beings will overcome sufferings and attain ultimate happiness speedily.

Seeing the contestants’ concerted efforts and collaboration in this cooking contest, there is much to be anticipated in future from the cohesive force of the Care Group – the Five Pillars of Care.
#bwmcare #bwmonastery

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~2018年9月30日, 一个难忘的大日子~

关怀处之“五大关怀”, 集合了东南西北的学员, 为住持净远和尚庆生!



1. 法、食人生

2. 圆满庆生黄金宴

3. 吉祥@味蕾

4. 众缘庆膳团圆

龙中区 (3组)

5. 吉法思恩

6. 静 ~园

7. 报恩妙供

金西区 (3组)

8. 师心.我心

9. 友聚坊

10. 金霞福妙賜珠盤


11. 五彩缤纷齐欢聚

东区 (3组)

12. 莲悦旭露

13. 东边好晴朗

14. 东方列车

水区 (2组)

15. 爱心旺盛

16. 金芋百和

“美胃烹饪擂台赛”参赛者所呈现~色香味俱全菜肴, 令人叹为观止!

我们共同祈愿和尚的心愿 : 佛法久住、世界和平、众生皆离苦得安乐能早日成办!

看到学员们齐心协力, 互助合作出现的精心杰作, 令与会者赞叹不已!


#吉祥关怀处 #吉祥寺

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